Tag Archives: lose weight

How to Avoid the Holiday Food Fest

19 Nov

Halloween was a bust. Every street light on my road went dark the day before the big day and stayed out for three days. We had not one trick-or-treater. We did, however, have a huge bag of candy.  I froze it. Then I ate it frozen. Then I let it thaw out and continued to devour it. Somewhere around the 4000th calorie, I gathered up my resolve and threw it out. I also threw kitty litter on top of it so I wouldn’t be pawing through the trash to get at it.

Congratulations to me for having a tiny bit of self-control!

Now we are faced with seven weeks of eating festivities. The thing is, there are really only three or four days in that seven week period that are bona fide holidays. So I want you to think of this time between now and New Year’s in that way. It is not a continual food fest where you have permission to over indulge. It is instead, a few days of celebration when you can let your guard down. But only for those few days.

To help you, my book, “Win When You Lose: A Guide to Successful Dieting” is free on the Amazon lending library until January 29, 2014. Please check it out. You can locate my book by clicking on the link to the right of this post which says  “For More Win When You Lose”: click “Kindle version.” I hope it helps you all stay in control this holiday season. There’s nothing worse than starting out January 2nd with an extra five (or more) pounds to lose.

If all else fails, drop me a note and I will try to talk you down. Or Visit our Facebook page at Win When You Lose and tell me what is happening with you.

Happy Holidays to you all!

The Best Smoothie Ever

23 May

I am not a smoothie fan. But I might be converted by the following recipe for the best smoothie ever.

Fill your blender with Lifeway low-fat, plain Kefir. Kefir is a yogurt drink found next to the milk in your local grocery store. I had never tried Kefir before the other day. Why did I wait so long?

Throw in two packets of Splenda, or sugar if you are a purist. Add more or less to taste.

Throw in a handful of Dole “Wildly Nutritious” Frozen Mixed Berries. Blend and enjoy.

It is so good, so good for you, and low-calorie too. Kefir makes the best smoothie ever!

More is Not Better

20 May

Have you seen the television ad with the little girl saying, “Well, we just want More. Not less. We want MORE. We’re not getting enough so MORE is better and we just want MORE.” I think it’s an AT&T ad. And the quote is not verbatim, but the idea is the same. Not to argue with AT&T, but more is not better.

This “more is better” attitude is what has gotten us where we are…..the fattest nation in the world. You’ve heard that fifty years ago food portions were much less than they are now and people weighed considerably less. An 8- ounce Coke was standard. What’s standard now? At least 12 ounces. Back then, a meal at McDonald’s did not have a super- size anything. The Big Mac was huge by standards of the day.

Our standards have changed and more is what we want. More of this, more of that, more of everything. The thing to remember as you struggle to make do with less is that “more” is the problem. More is not your friend. We don’t need more. Someone once told me that one bite of something is tasting. Two to six bites is eating. Anything MORE is stuffing your face.

More is not what we need, unless it is more willpower, more determination, more inspiration, and more self-esteem. Those “mores” will get us where we need to be. Enjoy and slowly savor the normal portions of your food and leave the more for someone else. If you can keep the image of that whiny little girl in your head while you eat, so much the better. You can do this…..Win When You Lose can help.

You’re on a Diet: What are you Feeding Yourself?

6 Mar

You’re trying to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle. Congratulations! Now I have to ask you, “What are you feeding yourself?” I’m not asking what you are eating. I’m asking what is motivating you to succeed? What kinds of things are you feeding yourself? Your mind, not your body. What kind of diet are you supplying your mind?

The material you read, view, and generally surround yourself with can make or break your weight loss success. Are you on a steady diet of entertainment news where you constantly see unattainable body images? Are you watching a stream of doom and gloom news shows that depress your spirit and sap your energy?

Or are you reading encouraging, inspirational books and magazines that spur you on to greater things? Do you have copies of health and fitness related magazines strewn across your coffee table or bedside table? Are copies of inspirational books (like mine!) on your Kindle for easy access when you need a motivational boost? Are the movies and television shows you watch supporting your efforts or undermining them? (I’m not sure watching cooking shows and food-related channels would be the best choice for you at this point in time.)

What you put into your mind directly affects what you put into your body. You need to feed yourself the kind of material that helps you succeed, not the kind that holds you back from your goals. Splurge on some healthy cooking magazines like Cooking Light. Read up on nutrition with Nutrition Action Newsletter. Buy Men’s Health or Shape magazines instead of your usual US Weekly or People.

You’ll find that feeding your mind a diet of encouragement and motivation makes the weight loss road less intimidating and increases your chances of success. Watching and reading these types of media reinforces your goals and determination.

You can do it. I know you can. But you should give yourself the best odds of success possible. Think about the diet for your mind right now we’ll deal with the diet for your body in coming posts.

Win When You Lose:  Available on Kindle and coming later this week in paperback: www.amazon.com/author/susanmcdaniel

diet, weight loss, weight control

A Guide to Successful Dieting

Where is Your Motivation to Lose Weight Now?

17 Feb

Here it is, three days after Valentine’s Day. Are you surrounded by a heap of brown paper chocolate wrappers? Does the Whitman Sampler call to you from the kitchen counter? Is your motivation to lose weight as long gone as the Christmas wrapping paper from six weeks ago? Where is your motivation to lose the weight and keep it off now?

Scan of a Valentine greeting card dated 1909.

You aren’t alone. All of your good intentions from January 2nd may have waned a bit, but you are still capable of losing the weight you set out to lose in your New Year’s resolution. But you can’t let yourself get derailed now. Swimsuit season is right around the corner and you need to be ready.

What to do? How to get back the motivation that was raging six short weeks ago?

English: Title of motivation and emotion

First, don’t beat yourself up about slipping up. It’s normal.

Second, go right back to writing down everything you are eating.

Third, rid your home and workplace of all of the goodies that have found their way into your world.

Fourth, find a picture of a slim person, in a swimsuit, maybe, to plaster on the front of your refrigerator. Put it front and center to remind yourself of your goals.

Fifth, read the motivation chapter in “Win When You Lose: A Guide to Successful Dieting,” and let me know how I can help you. Try http://www.amazon.com/author/susanmcdaniel

diet, weight loss, weight control

A Guide to Successful Dieting

Reach me here or on the Facebook page: Win When You Lose.

You can do this! I can help.