Archive | February, 2013

Where is Your Motivation to Lose Weight Now?

17 Feb

Here it is, three days after Valentine’s Day. Are you surrounded by a heap of brown paper chocolate wrappers? Does the Whitman Sampler call to you from the kitchen counter? Is your motivation to lose weight as long gone as the Christmas wrapping paper from six weeks ago? Where is your motivation to lose the weight and keep it off now?

Scan of a Valentine greeting card dated 1909.

You aren’t alone. All of your good intentions from January 2nd may have waned a bit, but you are still capable of losing the weight you set out to lose in your New Year’s resolution. But you can’t let yourself get derailed now. Swimsuit season is right around the corner and you need to be ready.

What to do? How to get back the motivation that was raging six short weeks ago?

English: Title of motivation and emotion

First, don’t beat yourself up about slipping up. It’s normal.

Second, go right back to writing down everything you are eating.

Third, rid your home and workplace of all of the goodies that have found their way into your world.

Fourth, find a picture of a slim person, in a swimsuit, maybe, to plaster on the front of your refrigerator. Put it front and center to remind yourself of your goals.

Fifth, read the motivation chapter in “Win When You Lose: A Guide to Successful Dieting,” and let me know how I can help you. Try

diet, weight loss, weight control

A Guide to Successful Dieting

Reach me here or on the Facebook page: Win When You Lose.

You can do this! I can help.